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EnergyApp serves as a predictive tool, enabling users to forecast energy production and model CO2 emissions based on their energy policies. The platform offers insights into five interconnected domains: Energy, Sankey, Added Capacity, Emissions, Investment Cost . Navigate to each domain using the sidebar panel on the left.
This page showcases two charts: Primary Energy and Useful Energy , along with three tables: Useful Energy Growth by Year , Growth Parameters , and Energy Parameters by Sector . Here's how to utilize them:
- Start by selecting your desired country from the Select Country dropdown in the sidebar. Then, click on Plot Data and allow approximately 8 seconds for the data to load.
- The Primary Energy chart displays energy consumption for the chosen country from 1965 to 2022. This data is sourced from the Energy Institute . Interact with the chart by toggling the legend or zooming into specific areas.
- The Useful Energy chart projects energy consumption based on growth hypotheses by energy type and sector. Adjust energy use efficiency by sector via the Sankey diagram. Sector details are elaborated in the Sankey Diagram section. To alter growth rates, double-click a value in the Energy Parameters by Sector table. The growth functions employed are detailed bellow. The Total Simulated curve is derived using a growth function that considers the Country Growth Init Country Growth Final and Time constant values from the Growth Parameter table. The Total curve sums up all useful energy, aiming to align total useful energy with total simulated.
- The Useful Energy Growth by Year table presents the growth rates of individual energy types and the overall growth of useful energy. By default, calculations span the past decade, but you can adjust this range using the Growth Calculation from X Years parameter.
- After making adjustments, click Plot Data to view the changes. To preserve your modifications, use the Download option in the sidebar. Import saved data by selecting Browse .
- The growth model employs the equation:

World example classical growth
World example fast growth
France example classical growth

Primary energy

Useful energy

Useful energy growth by year

Growth parameters

Energy parameters by sector

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The Sankey diagram provides a visual representation of energy flow. By adjusting the Select Year option in the sidebar, you can view projections of future energy flows. For these calculations, we have assumed that the proportion of final useful energy consumption remains consistent with 2022 figures.
To construct this, we referenced the Sankey diagram provided by IEA . Using this data, we introduced the Share column in the Energy Parameter by Sector table. We incorporated data from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and other sources to create the Neta column, representing the efficiency of energy utilization across various sectors. You have the flexibility to modify any parameter within this table. Following the IEA's structure, we have categorized energy use into four primary sectors:
- Indus : Denotes industrial energy consumption.
- Trans : Pertains to energy consumption in transportation.
- Other : Covers energy use in both commercial and residential sectors.
- NEnU : Represents non-energy use, which we assume gets converted into objects or waste without CO2 emissions.
- Elect : Refers to electricity energy consumption.

Sankey diagram

Pie chart primary energy in twh

Pie chart useful energy in twh

Energy parameter by sector

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This section showcases twelve charts. Here's a breakdown:
- Capacity Added : Represents the absolute utility added in a specific year. It's derived by dividing the new energy produced in that year by 8760 hours (total hours in a year).
- Capacity Added with Charge Factor : Uses data from 'Capacity Added' and divides it by a charge factor. This helps determine the actual capacity added. Adjust the charge factor for Nuclear, Solar, or Wind in the Parameters table.
- Total Capacity with Charge Factor : Calculates the cumulative capacity by adding the previously installed capacity to the new capacity for a specific year.
- Nuclear surface yearly, Solar panel surface yearly, Wind turbine surface yearly : Indicates the surface required for installation yearly. Modify these values in the Parameters table.
- Nuclear reactor number, Solar panel number, Wind turbine number : Indicates the number of units required for installation. Modify these values in the Parameters table.
- Nuclear surface, Solar surface, Wind surface : Indicates the surface required for installation. Modify these values in the Parameters table.

Capacity Added

Capacity Added with charge factor

Total capacity with charge factor

Nuclear surface yearly

Solar surface yearly

Wind surface yearly


Nuclear reactor number

Solar panel number

Wind turbine number

Nuclear surface

Solar surface

Wind surface

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In this display, the primary chart features a line on the left illustrating CO2 emissions over time, and on the right, a line representing the absolute CO2 budget. Within the table CO2 Parameters , you have the flexibility to adjust each parameter except for fossil fuels. The parameter CO2 Max World denotes the CO2 budget as of 2020. To ensure global warming remains below 1.5°C, our carbon budget was set at 800 GT CO2 in 2020. To determine CO2 emissions, we solve the following equation either per country or globally:

We then apply our coefficients to the primary energy data to calculate CO2 emissions. These coefficients can be viewed in the CO2 Parameters table. Within this table, you also have the option to modify CO2 emissions for different energy sources. By default, these values are set to zero, reflecting our focus on primary energy.


CO2 budget

CO2 parameters

CO2 per personae in MtCo2/pers

Population in billion

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In this section, you'll find three charts:
- Annual cost represents the expense for new capacities.
- Cumul cost reflects the expense of capacities added since 2022.
- Cost denotes the cost per watt of various energy sources at a given time. To project future prices, we use an experience coefficient. Whenever the installed capacity doubles, we estimate:
new price = old price X Expérience coefficient
You can adjust the experience coefficient in the Experience coefficient table and energy cost in the Energy cost table.
One constraint of our current analysis is the omission of energy storage costs. We aim to incorporate this aspect in upcoming iterations.

Annual cost

Cumul cost



